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imageVII International Human Rights Film Festival “Steps” due to lack of funding have been transferred on 2015. At the festival were sent to film scenes from more than 60 countries, the application for submitting films on the festival on 2015 – is open. All works submitted on 2014 and selected to participate will be presented at the Film Festival on 2015. From November to December 2014 in Kharkov in the cinema “Bommer” passed before-screening.




During IFF STEPS we collected the sings to support the Arctic 30, Grenpeace activists.image



VI International Human Rights Film Festival “Steps”
will be held from November 7-10 In Kharkiv

In 2013, the festival “Steps” is divided into two stages. Competition screenings will be held from November 7-10 at the cinema “Bommer” (Poltavsky Shlakh, 6).

Schedule: 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 (the night of short films). The program includes screening feature films, shorts, documentaries, animated films on human rights issues, animals, nature protection, as well as films about the sharp social, philosophical and political issues. The motto of the festival is “To see this inconvenient truth!“.

The opening will take place in Dovzhenko cinema on November 7 at 18:30, and the awards ceremony will be held on November 10 at 15:00. Out of competition screenings and retrospectives of the program have been taken place in the Crimea from October 10-13 and 25-27. More than 300 films from 60 countries are being presented at the film festival

November 7
The opening of the photo exhibition “New Home – Ukraine”, dedicated to the International Refugee Day, organized by the Committee for Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations in cooperation with the UN Agency for Refugees. Exhibition “Perpendicular” by artist Vasilisa Kolesnik.

Film for the opening is going to be an epic drama of Igor Parfenov ” Nonconformity” (Director A.Burov, known for his work with Aleksandr Sokurov). Part of the cast were former patients of the psychiatric department. The film has already been presented at the Film Festival “Window to Europe”. Besides shock of the audience, the film got positive reviews of film critics. Kira Muratova succinctly expressed her opinion: “Killing content…”

The press conference – “round table” with the participants and guests of the festival is going to be held in the cinema “Bommer” on November 9 at 15:00. Discussion of the criminal case against members of the crew of Greenpeace “Arctic Sunrise”. The Human Rights Center “Steps” is organizing the collection of signatures in support of the activists. Round table with representatives of the Fund Nicholas Pearson, chairman of the Human Rights Center “Steps” Igor Parfenov and Alexei Goma. Subject: animal rights, ecology.

Film for the closing is going to be war drama “Leaves flying in the wind” dir. Valeriy Kharchenko (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation). November 10 at 19:00, “Bommer” cinema.

This year Spain, Germany, Russia and France were the leaders in the number of works. The best of them will be shown in the “Night of Short Films” which is going to be in the cinema “Bommer” at 23:00.

Film Festival will be visited by well-known directors, actors, human rights activists and public figures. The foyer of the theater will host a series of thematic exhibitions. Foreign films from more than 30 countries have been translated by UN volunteers (United Nations). Prize and a poster of the year have been designed on a competitive basis by them as well. UN will award the Best Picture “For inspiration to action“.

We invite you to visit the festival “Steps”.

Igor Parfenov
president of the festival
Chairman of the Human Rights Center “Steps”
Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine

image1st stage of the IFF “Steps” was held in the Crimea 10-13 and 25-27 of October.
Out of competition screenings and retrospective were held at 3 film platforms: “Student” NTU “KPI”, Movie house of sanatorium “Utios”, hotel “Hollywood”.
In “Student” NTU “KPI” there were creative meetings with the Honored Artist of Russia , film director Valery Kharchenko, with the laureate of the United Nations in the field of television and film director Tatiana Babina , a member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, the film director Igor Parfenov and others, also there was an exhibition-vernissage of artworks on nature protection topics.



Team of IFF “STEPS” made a friendly visit to the Russian environmental week in Moscow on May, 17 – 21 2013. Igor Parfenov held a number of press conferences and creative meetings.
Studio “Steps” presented four feature films at the International Festival of Environmental Film “Green Age.”
The opening ceremony of the Russian Ecological Week in Moscow May 17, 2013 was attended by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment S.E.Donskoy, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Alexander Torshin, etc.
Location: Moscow, Central expo Hall “Manezh”.
With the support of the Moscow Government and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.


June 13, 2012.
Representatives of the “Steps” Center attended the opening of the first specialized city shelter for homeless animals in Kharkov, Ukraine. The opening was attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine Eduard Stavitsky, the Governor of the Kharkiv region Mikhail Dobkin, Mayor of Kharkov Gennady Kernes, representatives of many public organizations.
The opening of this shelter is a big step for Ukraine in the humane treatment of animals. And, of course, without the pressure of city public organizations such a shelter would not have been possible.
It was spent $ 3.2 million for the construction of the shelter. For service the shelter will get from the city’s budget 750 000 dollars per year.



Film “The Confession of the Devil” won two awards at the I-th St. Petersburg International Film Festival “HOPE”.

Prize “for The Best Director”:
Feature film “Confession of the Devil”, Igor Parfenov – Studio “Steps”, Ukraine.
Diploma for the best artistic work.

Chairman of the Jury – Dmitry Meskhiev.
Members of the jury:
– Alexander Sokurov;
– Vladimir Menshov;
– Drapeko Helena;
– Mikhail Kuraev, and others.

Igor Parfenov will be member of the jury of I-st St. Petersburg International Film Festival “Hope”, which will be held inDecember 9-13, 2011.
St. Petersburg International Film Festival “Hope” – the only rights protection Film Festival in the world, which will focus on films created in prison.

President and co-chairman of the festival jury – Chairman of the Commission on Pardons St. Petersburg, director, writer, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Alexey Kozyrev
Chairman of the Jury – Honored Artist of Russia, director, chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of St. Petersburg Dmitry Meskhiev

Members of the jury:
– Film director, Honored Artist of People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Sokurov
– Film director, screenwriter, People’s Artist of Russia, Chairman of the Public Council FSIN Vladimir Menshov
– Film and stage actress, member of the State Duma of Russia, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Drapeko Helena
– Writer, screenwriter, laureate of State Prize of Russia Mikhail Kuraev
– People’s Artist of Russia, George Shtihl
– People’s Artist of Russia, Chairman of the Public Council of St. Petersburg, Nikolai Burov
– Honored Artist of Russia Anastasia Melnikova
– Ombudsman for Children in St. Petersburg Svetlana Agapitova
– Director, the head of “International Right Protection Film Festival” Steps “(Ukraine), Igor Parfenov
– Director of Photography, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, member of the FSC SET Finland Alexander Burov
and others.
Honored guests of the festival:
– Human Rights Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin
– Chairman of the Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights Mikhail Fedotov
– Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Alexander Reimer
– People’s Artist of USSR, laureate of state awards, honorary citizen of St. Petersburg, Irina Bogacheva
and others.

November 15-16, representatives from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have visited the center “Steps” to check the situation with stray animals in Kharkov because of the Euro 2012 in Ukraine.


Competition on a gender theme has begun in Ukraine.

Take part in video/multimedia contest “7 billion” and win iPad 2!

STEPS International Right Film festival – Proposal of award

The award: UNV Award for “inspiration in action”

Award for the best film that depicts the activism and civic engagement of citizens in tacking and solving social/humanitarian/environmental problems on voluntary basis.


Movies are great tools to raise awareness and advocate for hidden or less know social, humanitarian and environmental issues. They are open windows to the world and a excellent way to get new information, to sparkle constructive debates and form an opinion on several subject.

With this prize we would like to get a step forward by awarding a movie that shows how people voluntarily, through their civic engagement, they are tackling or have successfully talked social, humanitarian and environmental problems that affect their communities.

Therefore the idea at the base is such a prize is to promote positive role models who could –through their concrete actions- inspire others to deal with similar problems. Moreover it is also a way to celebrate and recognize the efforts of these people to improve society. Often, to a hurried eye, these extraordinary actions -done ordinary people- might pass unnoticed. It is a fact that their role in the well being of the community is enormous, but at the same time it is very quiet. These persons, these actions are frequently taken for granted and volunteers may not even realize what fundamental contribution is bringing to others.

This award will also mark the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, proclaimed by United Nations as well as the European Year of Volunteering. This poses an invaluable opportunity for these movies to foster the growing activism of the volunteer movement in Ukraine.

imageThe organization

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide.

Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges, and it can transform the pace and nature of development. Volunteerism benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer by strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens, and by purposefully creating opportunities for participation.

UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for recognition of volunteers, working with partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing an increasing number and diversity of volunteers, including experienced UN Volunteers, throughout the world. UNV embraces volunteerism as universal and inclusive, and recognizes volunteerism in its diversity as well as the values that sustain it: free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity.

Support to the fifth edition of the International Rights Film Festival “STEPS”

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in Ukraine is glad to support the fifth edition of the STEPS International Rights Film Festival that will take place in November 2011 in Kharkhiv.

UNV believes that volunteerism and civic engagement are an intentional commitment generated by a deep insight of the society and environment in which people live. Only by understanding the root causes of the problems that affect individuals and communities, citizens are able to give their voluntary contribution to tackle these common issues in an effective way.

The power of volunteerism udrawing upon the immense social capital that exists in every society and community u if properly focused and harnessed can be equally successful in Millennium Development Goals (MDG) acceleration and achievement.

In fact, achieving the MDGs will not require only the commitment of Government, development partners and private sector. It needs also the ingenuity, solidarity and creativity of millions of ordinary people through voluntary action.

In this regard, the STEPS International Rights Film Festival is not only a way to entertain but it is also a window open to the world that allows spectators to get in contact with diverse realities and opinions as well as to create a bridge to different places and cultures.

Therefore the STEPS Festival is an important opportunity to promote discussions on different topics such as environment and human rights and raise awareness on important issues at local, national and global levels.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Giovanni Mozzarelli
Programme Officer
United Nations Volunteers programme



Meeting with Programme Officer of United Nations Volunteers programme Mr. Giovanni Mozzarelli


The Centre of Human and Animal Rights STEPS visited International conference “Human rights and the role of non-governmental organizations in OSCE region”, Moscow, May, 11-13.
In conference for 35 years of Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG), took part such famous persons as Ludmila Alekseeva (MHG chairman), Gregory Yavlinsii (political party “Yabloko”), Audronius Azubalis (OSCE chairman), Matti Anttonen (Finland’s ambassador to Russia) and many others.
In particular the questions of supremacy of right, priority of human rights above state sovereignty, non-violent resistance to imperious tyranny, publicity of activity, solidarity, independence from the state and political predilections etc, were discussed there.
An important achievement of the conference is carrying of resolution the main purpose of which is to call OSCE to concentrate efforts for realization of control of observing civil and social rights.
Also the main programs and initiatives of OSCE were represented, whish are worked now. The projects are: Eurasia “IDEA” Network, “Society and Military”,” Civil Initiative for the OSCE”, School of Right for young people, Coalition Against Hate.

STEPS Studio took part in International broadcast content market “MOSCOW TELESHOW. Spring-2011”, 11-13 may, Moscow.
STEPS Studio traditionally visits this Teleshow twice a year. Interesting creative meetings and contracting for showing the films of our production in the cinemas, on TV, DVD and in the Internet take place here.

This year five Ukrainian media professionals took part in the BANFF World Media Awards judging process, among them President of STEPS International Film Festival Igor Parfenov. The judging process took place in March, with the Ukrainian juries having selected 3 finalists in the Made-for-TV-movies category.
Banff World Media Festival is one of the world’s most prestigious international program competitions attracting more than a thousand entries from 40+ countries around the world.
Taking place June 12-15, 2011, in Canada, BANFF attracts the most prestigious players in the international media marketplace.

7 of 10 films from “A Matter of ACT” program are in the Competition program of IV International film festival “Steps”


A Matter of ACT
A Matter of ACT is the main programme of Amnesty International at the Movies that Matter Festival in the Netherlands that is entirely dedicated to the work of human rights defenders. Ten impressive documentaries show how they campaign for justice and human rights, often paying a very high price for their work. These activists and/or their organisations play a crucial role in the worldwide protection and promotion of human rights. A Matter of ACT believes that films can engage viewers in a dialogue about human rights and the threats to human dignity. Using such a lens, A Matter of ACT aspires to raise awareness and fight human rights violations, both national and international.
The A Matter of ACT competition programme of this year’s festival includes documentary films from Cambodia, Tibet, Nepal, Italy, Cuba, Algeria, Iran, Gaza, the US and China as a tribute to human rights activists who stand up against oppression and put their lives on the line to create a just world.
During the festival, the activists who will attend, will meet plenty of people and organisations that might be able to offer them assistance and/or protection in their work. In collaboration with the Dutch embassy and local organisations in the A Matter of ACT activists’ home countries, Amnesty International and Movies that Matter attempt to have their films screened locally.
The ten activists/human rights organisations in the A Matter of ACT programme are nominated for the Golden Butterfly. The first Golden Butterfly, Amnesty International’s A Matter of ACT Award, is for the most impressive and inspiring protagonist in the programme. The second Golden Butterfly, the A Matter of ACT documentary award, goes to the director of the best film in the programme. A jury chaired by Mr. Ruud Lubbers have elected the winners.
The international Movies that Matter Festival, which took place from 25 to 31 March 2010 in Filmhuis The Hague and Theatre Het Spui, both located in the Hague, presents a week-long programme of seventy engaged films and documentaries about human rights and a just, sustainable world. The screenings are complemented by an extensive program including daily talk shows, interviews and debates with politicians, journalists, experts and filmmakers. Thus, Movies that Matter brings together eye-opening films and people that cherish ideals.
Movies that Matter is a new foundation established in Amsterdam in 2006 – springing from the Film Festival Department of Amnesty International in The Netherlands. Movies that Matter believes that films, by capturing social responsibility, can engage viewers in a dialogue about human rights and the threats to human dignity. Using such a lens, Movies that Matter aspires to raise awareness and fight human rights violations, both national and international.

III International Rights Film Festival “STEPS” is now over.

The third film festival STEPS will take place 12 – 19 December, 2009 in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Opening: 12 December, 17.00, UCC „Yunost” (25, Universitetskaya str.).
Competition and non-competition screenings: 13-19 December, Bommer cinema (6, Poltavsky shlyakh), Shows: 11:00/13:00/15:00/17:00/19:00/21:00.
Closing ceremony: 19 December, 18.00, UCC „Yunost” (25, Universitetskaya str.).

imageFeature film “Confession of the Devil”has been awarded with a special jury prize for “Restoring harmony between people and nature” at XII Berdyansk International Film Festival
Feature film “Confession of the Devil” has been selected to the competition program of XII Berdyansk International Film Festival.





CETA ‘Life’ team took part in a demonstration against bullfighting and Bull Run organized by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on 5, July, 2009 in Pamplona, Spain.



A business meeting of CETA “Life” representatives with Brigitte Bardot Foundation in Paris, 2009.



A film by Igor Parfenov “Confession of the Devil” won one of the five awards at the first International Film Festival “Kharkiv Siren-2009” and a diploma “For graphic decision and humanistic message”.image

The team of “STEPS” Festival took part in International Film Festival Summit, 7-8 April, Paris, France.

The National competition Design against fur in Ukraine is now over.

The winners:

1 place
imageButko Maria, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, 5th year student, Graphic Design
2 place
Vimageolkova Alla. Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, 5th year student, Graphic Design
3 place
imageTaranova Irina. Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, 5th year student, Graphic Design

The Festival team is leaving for International Film Festival Summit which will take place April 7-8 in Paris, France.


The competition Design Against Fur 2009 is now open!!! The deadline for receiving your works is 17 April 2009. For more information go to

If you are interested to take part in Ukrainian competition you should submit your work (poster, image, etc) before 26 March 2009. International competition submission deadline is April 17, 2009.
The contest is open to students of fashion, design, fine arts, advertising, marketing, graphic design multi-media, and all other disciplines in colleges around the world.

Exhibition of works will take place March 27, 2009 in Kharkiv, “Academy” Galery, 8 Krasnoznamennaya str. Winners of Ukrainian contest will be awarded with diplomas and cash prizes:
1 place – 500 UAH
2 place – 300 UAH
3 place – 200 UAH

Ilona Gonsovska With deep regret we inform you that our friend and team mate, famous artist and rights activist Ilona Gonsovskaya died in a road accident on 23d of December…

We all sympathize with Ilona’s relatives, friends and colleagues.

Due to the fact that Ilona Gonsovskaya was organizing “Echo” program of the festival in Riga, it has been cancelled.

“Echo” program of “STEPS” International Rights Film Festival took place on 10-14th of December in Kharkiv. The films were demonstrated in Kinopalats (Sumskaya Str, 25) and Bommer (Poltavskiy Shlyakh, 6) cinemas.

In “Echo” program of the festival we screened the best 52 films of competition and non-competition program.

“Echo” program of II “STEPS” International Rights Film Festival tรฎรฎk place on 9-10th of December in Moscow in Daniel cinema and press-club (9 December) and Sculptor’s House (10 December). The organizers of the demonstrations dedicated to International Animal Rights Day, are members of Russian non-governmental organization “VITA”.

Photos from “Echo” program in Moscow will be soon put on the website.

imageDear guests!
International Rights Film Festival “Steps” will take place 27-30 November 2008 in Kiev, Cinema House, 6 Saksaganskogo Street.
It’s a unique event that doesn’t have any analogues in CIS and European countries.
The festival is under support of Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine,
the Union of Filmmakers of Ukraine and other Social Organisations of the world. The main aim of the festival is propaganda of humane way of life. The films devoted to human, animal rights and environmental protection will be demonstrated at the festival.
We received more than 300 films from 40 countries. Approximately 100 hundred of them have been selected to the competition programme of the festival.
At the festival opening (27 November 18.00) there will be the pre-opening night show of “Confession of the Devil” – a shocking film by a Ukrainian director. This feature film is about forbidden terrorist organization “Earth Liberation Front”. At the festival there will be Honour Guests such as Armen Dzhigarhanyan, Vladimir Koshevoy, Sergey Dzhigurda, Sergey Glushko (Tarzan), Artem Troitskiy and other famous cultural workers and rights activists.

Main demonstrations will be held in three halls of Cinema House and “Kiev” cinema according to the following timetable:


17.00-18.00 Press conference with the festival organizers

18.00-20.00 grand opening of the festival














19.00-21.00 – grand closing of the festival


“The Echo” of “STEPS” Film Festival will take place in Kharkiv 10-14 December.
Main demonstrations will be held in “Kinopalats” cinema and “Bommer” cinema.

10 December – “Kinopalats” cinema.
18.00 – press conference devoted to pre-opening night show of “Confession of the Devil” – film by Igor Parfenov.
18.50 – pre-opening night show of “Confession of the Devil”.

11 December – “Bommer” cinema

12 December – “Bommer” cinema

13 December – “Bommer” cinema

14 December – “Bommer” cinema

The detailed programme of the festival and film demonstrations will be available on our site after 15 November.

The echo of the festival: Kharkov, from the 7th till the 9th of December, 2007, House of Actor, 3 Krasina st. The beginning of the showings are as following: 1.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 5.00 p.m., 7.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m.
The best works presented on the festival will be run.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!
We inform you that from the 4th till the 7th of October in Kiev Cinema House, by the address 6 Saksaganskogo St. we hold the International Rights Film Festival “Steps”. This is a unique project that doesn’t have any analogue in CIS and European countries.

The film festival will take place with the support of The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, the Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and a range of other social organizations of the world.

The main aim of the festival is to propagandize the humane way of life. Films devoted to the human rights, protection of animals and nature will be represented at the festival.
Over 400 films from 30 countries of the world were received to the festival address. In the issue of the competitive selection approximately 100 films will be run within the main competitive program of the festival. The shocking film “Crucified” of the Ukrainian director will be run during the festival opening ceremony (on the 4th of October at 6.30 p.m.). This feature film is based on the forbidden articles and letters of Leo Tolstoy.. A lot of unknown to the Ukrainian viewers films such as awarded with Oscar film “An Inconvenient Truth” by Ale Gore (vice-president of the USA), the shock of Cannes and Moscow festivals “A place on the Earth” by Arthur Aristakisyan, film “John and Yoko’s year of Peace” and others will be run at the festival.

The organization representatives from more than 15 countries of the world will become the guests of the festival. It is planned that Ukrainian and Russian cinema and estrade stars will arrive at the festival. Among them Armen Jigharhanyan, Nikita Jighurda , Layma Vaikule? Anastasia Melnikova and others.

The exhibitions of the placards and photos, seminars and “round tables” devoted to the rights protection themes will be held within the festival program.

One of the most interesting and fascinating events of the festival is peculiar international “Show with cages”, which will take place on the 4th of October at 6 p.m. in the foyer. The prisoners of these cages will be “dissident”, “victim of the system, barbarism and sects”, “victim of slaughterhouse”, “victim of fashion”, “victim of entertainment and hunting”. Some of the activists will be painted body-art. The personage in the restrain jacket will be the announcer of the festival; he will be obliged to turn the pages of the festival program with his teeth!

The press-conference with the representatives of European social organizations and the participants of the festival will take place on the 4th of October at 4.30 p.m. in “Blue hall” of the Cinema House. The main demonstrations will be in two halls according to the following time-table:
4 th of October from 6:30p.m. till 10.00p.m.
5 th of October from 2:00p.m. till 10.00p.m